sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Que es PROMESA: La Junta

 Mucho se ha hablado de lo que es y no es el proyecto HR 4900, cínicamente titulado “PROMESA”.  Entre los asuntos que se discuten en esa ley es la necesidad de una Junta que controle (supervise dicen los que están en negación) el funcionamiento del Gobierno de Puerto Rico (ya se acabó lo de “del Estado Libre Asociado”, la próxima administración tendrá que corregir los papeles que usa).

¿Qué autoridad tiene esta Junta?  Bueno, para que tengan una idea les voy a resumir los “Nueve Mandamientos de la Junta”:

1) Mandamiento al Gobernador de informar a la Junta de cualquier incumplimiento a una directriz de la Junta y las acciones legales y/o administrativas tomadas.

In the case of a violation of paragraph (2) by an officer or employee of the territorial government, the Governor shall immediately report to the Oversight Board all pertinent facts together with a statement of the action taken thereon.

2) Mandamiento al Gobernador de someter a la Junta cualquier plan fiscal propuesto.

The Governor shall submit to the Oversight Board any proposed Fiscal Plan required by the Oversight Board by the time specified in the notice delivered under subsection (a).

3) Mandamiento al Gobernador de someter a la Junta cualquier presupuesto propuesto.

Governor shall submit to the Oversight Board proposed Budgets by the time specified in the notice delivered under subsection (a).

4) Mandamiento al Gobernador de someter a la Junta informes financieros trimestrales y cualquier otro informe incluyendo un desglose por cada agencia.

(beginning with the fiscal year determined by the Oversight Board), the Governor shall submit to the Oversight Board a report, in such form as the Oversight Board may require, describing—

(1) the actual cash revenues, cash expenditures, and cash flows of the territorial government for the preceding quarter, as compared to the projected revenues, expenditures, and cash flows contained in the certified Budget for such preceding quarter; and

(2) any other information requested by the Oversight Board, which may include a balance sheet or a requirement that the Governor provide information for each covered territorial instrumentality separately.

5) Mandamiento al Gobernador de someter a la Junta cualquier ley aprobada.

Except to the extent that the Oversight Board may provide otherwise in its bylaws, rules, and procedures, not later than 7 business days after a territorial government duly enacts any law during any fiscal year in which the Oversight Board is in operation, the Governor shall submit the law to the Oversight Board.

6) Mandamiento al Gobernador de someter a la Junta un análisis del impacto fiscal de cada ley aprobada, incluyendo una certificación de si la misma incumple o no significativamente con el Plan Fiscal.

The Governor shall include with each law submitted to the Oversight Board under paragraph (1) the following:

(A) A formal estimate prepared by an appropriate entity of the territorial government with expertise in budgets and financial management of the impact, if any, that the law will have on expenditures and revenues.

(B) If the appropriate entity described in subparagraph (A) finds that the law is not significantly inconsistent with the Fiscal Plan for the fiscal year, it shall issue a certification of such finding.

(C) If the appropriate entity described in subparagraph (A) finds that the law is significantly inconsistent with the Fiscal Plan for the fiscal year, it shall issue a certification of such finding, together with the entity’s reasons for such finding.

7) Mandamiento al Gobernador de someter a la Junta cualquier petición para reprogramar cualquier cantidad de fondos de un presupuesto aprobado antes de someterlo a la Legislatura.

If the Governor submits a request to the Legislature for the reprogramming of any amounts provided in an approved Budget, the Governor shall submit such request to the Oversight Board, which shall analyze whether the proposed reprogramming is significantly inconsistent with the Budget, and submit its analysis to the Legislature as soon as practicable after receiving the request.

8) Mandamiento al Gobernador de someter a la Junta un informe sobre todo acuerdo de exención contributiva.

Within six months of the establishment of the Oversight Board, the Governor shall submit a report to the Oversight Board documenting all existing discretionary tax abatement or similar tax relief agreements to which the territorial government, or any territorial instrumentality, is a party, provided that—

(1) nothing in this Act shall be interpreted to limit the power of the territorial government or any territorial instrumentality to execute or modify discretionary tax abatement or similar tax relief agreements, or to enforce compliance with the terms and conditions of any discretionary tax abatement or similar tax relief agreement, to which the territorial government or any territorial instrumentality is a party; and

 (2) the Members and Staff of the Oversight Board shall not disclose the contents of the report described in this subsection, and shall otherwise comply with all applicable territorial and Federal laws and regulations regarding the handling of confidential taxpayer information.

9) Mandamiento al Gobernador de escoger un Coordinador de Revitalización entre los candidatos propuestos por la Junta.

(B) In consultation with the Oversight Board, not later than 10 days after receiving the nominations under subparagraph (A), the Governor shall select one of the nominees as the Revitalization Coordinator. Such nomination shall be effective immediately.

(C) If the Governor fails to select a Revitalization Coordinator, the Oversight Board shall, by majority vote, select a Revitalization Coordinator from the list of nominees provided under paragraph (A).

No creo que haya que abundar demasiado para que se percaten de la autoridad total de la Junta sobre cualquier accion que el Gobierno de Puerto Rico pretenda realizar.  Para que tengan una idea: el HR 4900 repite "territory" 109 veces, "territorial" 145 veces, "territorial government" 45 veces y "pact" (pacto) 0000 (cero) veces.

Sobre el Coordinador escribiré en el próximo artículo.

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